Fun with fixed points
If you import Data.Function
, you’ll find that the function fix
has a funny
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
Given a function f
, the value fix f
will be “the” fixed point
of f
. I think this means the least fixed point, which for some reason is
supposed to correspond to the greatest fixed point in Haskell, but I’ve still
not quite understood enough domain theory to explain why. If \(f\) is a strict
function then \(f \bot = \bot\), so least fixed points of strict functions are
easy to understand.
The definition of fix looks like this:
fix f = let x = f x in x
So in some sense we start with some x
(which one?) and apply f
infinitely many times to it. This does not give us a terribly good operational
understanding of how we can compute this thing. In fact, it is easier to
understand fix f
in terms of its key property:
fix f = f (fix f)
In words, applying f
to its own (least) fixed point is going to give you
back that point! Now suppose we start with some lazy f
const 1
, the constant function \(\lambda x. x \to 1\). Then
fix (const 1) = (const 1) (fix (const 1))
= 1
thanks to lazy evaluation, so we have a fixed point that isn’t \(\bot\). Yay!
Looking at the equation above again, we see that we won’t be able to make
progress with computing fix f
unless f
can be at least partially
defined without referring back to fix f
. This suggests the following
let fibs = fix (\p -> 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) p (tail p))
This is the infinite list of fibonacci numbers, usually written without using
. The function we use takes it own fixed point as an argument, and then
provides some partial information about its value before tying the knot by using
its fixed point again. Given a list of integers, this function produces a new
list of integers starting with 1, 1. Plugging any list starting with 1, 1 back
into the function yields a list starting with 1, 1, 2, because we know how to
compute at least the next term at this point. At each step, we learn a bit more
information about the fixed point p
, and we find that it is the fibonacci
sequence itself. This looks like a kind of corecursion.
It’s slightly more surprising that we can also use this trick to implement certain types of recursion. I’ll use the other example, which is the factorial function:
let fact = fix (\f n -> if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n-1))
The argument to fix
in this case is a function of type
(Integer -> Integer) -> (Integer -> Integer)
so the fixed point will be a function rather than just a value! Of course, all functions are just values inhabiting appropriate function spaces, so it should not be so surprising that we can do this. Again, we start with some partial information about the fixed point (its behavior at 0 in this case), and then “pump” it for more information as we need it. The underlying function
g = \f n -> if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
is not strict, since
g undefined = \n -> if n == 0 then 1 else undefined
which is a perfectly good non-\(\bot\) function! There is clearly a whole world of interesting behavior outside of strict functions.
Now: what if we did this at the type level rather than the term level? Then we are talking about fixed points of type constructors… hmm!