A Law for Foldable

semigroups foldable

We are told by the documentation of Data.Foldable that, at a minimum, a foldable instance must implement the foldMap function, whose signature is

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m 

The fact that m is an arbitrary monoid allows us to determine the underlying order in which elements are combined. To wit, consider the following perfectly good foldable instances on lists:

newtype FoldList a = FoldList [a]
instance Foldable FoldList 
   where foldMap f (FoldList as) 
      = Prelude.foldr (<>) mempty $ map f as

newtype FoldListRev a = FoldListRev [a]
instance Foldable FoldListRev
   where foldMap f (FoldListRev as) 
      = Prelude.foldr (<>) mempty $ map f (reverse as)


>> foldMap (\x -> [x]) $ FoldList [1,2,3,4]

>> foldMap (\x -> [x]) $ FoldListRev [1,2,3,4]

The upshot is that the type signature of foldMap actually does determine some underlying traversal through t. The other way of defining a Foldable instance is to specify foldr

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b 

Similar to before, one can determine an order of traversal:

>> Data.Foldable.foldr (\a b -> a:b) [] (FoldList [1,2,3,4])

>> Data.Foldable.foldr (\a b -> a:b) [] (FoldListRev [1,2,3,4]) 

A sane law to introduce for Foldable would therefore be:

foldMap (\x -> [x]) ts == foldr (\a b -> a:b) [] ts

So foldable is not only about translating elements into monoid elements and combining the results, but about doing so in a specific order. Fortunately if you implement either foldMap or foldr but not both then (it appears) you can’t screw it up since the default implementation satisfies this law. For an example of a Foldable instance that doesn’t satisfy the law, consider

instance Foldable ScrewyFoldable 
   where foldMap f (ScrewyFoldable xs) = mconcat $ map f xs 
         foldr f z (ScrewyFoldable xs) = Prelude.foldr f z (reverse xs)

>> foldMap (\x -> [x]) (ScrewyFoldable [1,2,3,4])

>> Data.Foldable.foldr (\a b -> a:b) [] (ScrewyFoldable [1,2,3,4])

It seems to me that it would be helpful to have this law stated in the documentation of Foldable so that we could start to enforce it.