Type-level modular arithmetic


So, a modern way to do the natural numbers at the type level is to take advantage of the relatively recent DataKinds extension to GHC, which automatically promotes (many) types to kinds and their type constructors to constructors for these kinds.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, GADTs #-}

So here they are:

-- | Type for natural numbers
data Nat = Z | S Nat 

DataKinds automatically turns this into a lifted kind 'Nat together with constructors 'Z :: Nat, 'S :: Nat -> Nat (it is probably worth noting that these lifted types are not inhabited). Now type-level addition is easy enough to define:

-- | Type-level natural number addition
infixl 6 :+
type family (n :: Nat) :+ (m :: Nat) :: Nat
type instance 'Z :+ m = m
type instance 'S n :+ m = 'S (n :+ m)

ghci> :set -XTypeOperators
ghci> :set -XDataKinds
ghci> :kind! S Z :+ S Z
S Z :+ S Z :: Nat
= 'S ('S 'Z)

We can also do stuff like compare for equality or introduce type-level proofs of ordering:

-- Natural number order comparison
infix 4 :<
type family (n :: Nat) :< (m :: Nat) :: Bool
type instance n :< Z = 'False
type instance Z :< (S m) = 'True
type instance (S n) :< (S m) = n :< m

Here is a type-level conditional operator for if-then-else:

-- Type-level if-then-else
type family ITE (b :: Bool) t e
type instance ITE 'True t e = t
type instance ITE 'False t e = e

ghci> :kind! ITE (S Z :< Z) Int Char
ITE (S Z :< Z) Int Char :: *
= Char

The standard first step in creating a type for modular arithmetic is to use a phantom type parameter that keeps track of the modulus:

newtype Mod (n :: Nat) = Mod Int
instance Show (Mod n) where show (Mod m) = show m

Here Nat is a perfectly good kind constraint on the phantom parameter n, so Mod is a type constructor of kind Nat -> *, and each such type Mod n has a data constructor Mod :: Int -> Mod n. We want to be able to define addition as something like

plus :: Mod n -> Mod n -> Mod n
plus (Mod m1) (Mod m2) = Mod $ (m1 + m2) `mod` (reify (undefined :: n))

where reify takes the type-level natural n to the corresponding term-level natural. GHC provides such functionality via a KnownNat class in GHC.TypeLits. This is essentially a bit of magic mapping the official type-level naturals to value-level naturals.

Before this official solution appeared, various ad-hoc methods were used by libraries, including representing type-level naturals one digit at a time. To make the reification go, the latter library uses a type constructor :* of type * -> * -> *, and one can strip off trailing digits at the type level by pattern matching:

div10Dec :: x :* d -> x
div10Dec _ = undefined

Once you can pattern match on digits then you are good to go since a typeclass for reify need only be defined in terms of decimal digits. The analogous function for our type Nat unfortunately fails to typecheck due to technicalities:

> let subS :: S n -> n; subS _ = undefined
Kind mis-match
Expected kind `OpenKind', but `S n' has kind `Nat'
In the type signature for `subS': subS :: S n -> n

The analogous definition

let subS :: a :* b -> a; subS _ = undefined

compiles without a hitch, so we are definitely dealing with limitations of the typesystem here. Instead we can go for the less-typesafe approach, introducing our own constructors of kind * and * -> *:

-- | Boring * kinds instead of Nat. Loses some type safety since
--   things like "S Char" are valid types under this scheme.
data Z
data S n

-- | What we couldn't do before: strip off type constructor.
predS :: S n -> n
predS _ = undefined

-- | Constrain reifiable stuff via a typeclass
class Reify a where
   reify :: a -> Integer
instance Reify Z where reify _ = 0
instance (Reify n) => Reify (S n) where
   reify = (1 +) . reify . predS

-- | Phantom type encodes the modulus; data constructor encodes value
data Mod n = Mod Integer

So far, so good. The instance of Reify for types S n requires the structure stated here to compile sucessfully, instead of something more obvious like reify _ = 1 + reify (undefined :: n). Amusingly, more naive reification code like

data Zero
data Succ n

class Nat n where
    toInt :: n -> Int
instance Nat Zero where
    toInt _ = 0
instance (Nat n) => Nat (Succ n) where
    toInt _ = 1 + toInt (undefined :: n)

which was written by some very famous people fails to compile on this version of GHC!

Could not deduce (Nat n0) arising from a use of `toInt'
from the context (Nat n)
bound by the instance declaration at [...]

Now here is what modular addition should look like again, and it almost works.

plus :: (Reify n) => Mod n -> Mod n -> Mod n
plus (Mod m1) (Mod m2) = Mod $ (m1 + m2) `mod` (reify (undefined :: n))

The compiler encounters trouble here because, despite my telling it that n is reifyable, it wants to know the actual type of n. Putting in S Z for n fixes the problem, so this seems like another technicality; in fact, it seems to be the same technicality that causes the experts’ code above to fail. Too bad… but one can see why they just punted and put the functionality directly into the compiler with KnownNat, etc.