Adventures in Existential Quantification
I recently found this post
about dealing with Renderable
objects in the context of game design. The
solution presented there introduced a composite type
data Game = Game Ball Player Player
where Ball
and Player
are instances of a typeclass Render a
class Render a
where render :: a -> IO ()
Then one can write a function that renders a Game
by pattern matching on the
constructor. If the constructor for Game
s changes, so must the Render
implementation for Game
. This is not ideal, so one might try to use a composite
pattern like
data ExtendedGame = ExtendedGame Game Score
to extend Game
, but then functions that consumed Game
s cannot automatically
consume ExtendedGames
even if they only require Game
functionality. Creating
dependencies on constructors like this seems like a bad idea.
This approach to rendering was introduced because otherwise one would have to
deal with rendering heterogeneous lists like [Ball, Player, Player]
ghci -XExistentialQuantification
> class Render a where render :: a -> IO ()
> data Player = Player
> instance Render Player where render p = print "player"
> data Ball = Ball
> instance Render Ball where render b = print "ball"
Defining a rendering function like
renderAll :: forall a. (Render a) => [a] -> IO ()
renderAll = mapM_ render
fails to do the job because the type [a]
still constrains the input to a
single instantiation of the type variable a
. This can be fixed by using an
existential type:
> data Renderable = forall a. (Render a) => Renderable a
In other words, we can inject any a
implementing Render
into a Renderable
. So
much for the constructor, but it would also be nice if Renderable
s could be
> instance Render Renderable where render (Renderable a) = render a
Finally we can write the generic renderAll function:
> :m Data.Foldable -- for sequenceA_
> let renderAll :: [Renderable] -> IO ();
renderAll = sequenceA_ . map render
> renderAll [Renderable Player, Renderable Ball, Renderable Player]
So now we can generically render any list of Renderable
s, and any Game
should be
able to provide us with a list of Renderable
> let gameRenderables :: Game -> [Renderable];
gameRenderables = -- ...
At this point we don’t care about how Game
s are constructed; we just care that
they can provide lists of Renderable
objects. So we also have a totally generic
way to render a Game
> instance Render Game where render = renderAll . gameRenderables
instances can then provide greater or fewer Renderable
s based on their
states - they are not tied to their constructors. Furthermore, the Render
instance for Game
does not change if more Renderable
s are introduced later on.
Now there is a lot of juicy discussion over
regarding why not to use existentials in this way. In that example, one is
using a typeclass Widget
when a Widget
is really an object, not a
behavior! As for Renderable
, the argument is to use data types
> data Renderable = Renderable { render :: IO () }
instead so we just capture the desired IO actions. Instead of instances we have functions:
> let toRenderable i = Renderable (print i)
This takes any Showable and turns it into a Renderable
, for example. Supposing I
have a composite object (like Game
) full of Renderable
s, I can sequence their IO
actions in the desired order and produce any desired additional IO
to generate a
new Renderable
. For example:
> let listRend :: [Renderable] -> Renderable;
listRend = Renderable . mapM_ render
We generate a new Renderable
by sequencing the renderings of the Renderable
s in
the list. There is still a nice typeclass pattern here: toRenderable
is a
behavior that takes a type and returns its corresponding Renderable
. In other
words, we can defer the behaviors to an intermediate type which allows us to
manipulate and sequence them in homogeneous containers.
> class Render a where toRenderable :: a -> Renderable
> instance Render Player where toRenderable p = Renderable $ print "player"
> instance Render Ball where toRenderable b = Renderable $ print "ball"
> render $ toRenderable Player
> render $ listRend [toRenderable Player, toRenderable Ball, toRenderable Player]
This is all still completely statically type-checked. Yay! :-)