Thoughts on SQL
My current job involves coding a lot of SQL queries and has had me thinking about relational database concepts in general. I have come to believe that SQL queries of 100 lines or less are “simple”, that queries of about 500 lines are moderately complex, and that queries of over 1000 lines indicate that one is starting to really use the language seriously (provided most of those lines are not simply due to redundancy). The “advanced” features such as “partition by”, user-defined functions, dynamic SQL, etc. are really quite easy to learn if one has any serious programming background. I do not mean to say that they are all pleasant to use; far from it.
Using stored procedures, user-defined functions, and control structures in SQL is reminiscent of BASIC programming in the 1980s; there is certainly not the richness and flexibility of modern programming languages here. It will probably upset some people that I refuse to use uppercase syntax in SQL, but I prefer not to look at “SELECT”, “FROM”, “WHERE”, etc., and it is easier to type in lowercase despite having a caps lock. As far as I can tell features like polymorphism are not even on the radar with SQL, but at least the presence of ‘’exec()’’ gives one a limited low-level opportunity to emulate them. Variables are typed (and the types must be declared, which is a plus to me), and the typecasting happens automatically.
Programmers used to imperative languages would probably hope to be able to do a huge table join, import all of the relevant fields into variables, and then do a bunch of ad-hoc processing of these variables to produce the desired result. SQL forces you to be more structured than this, and this aspect of the language is probably desirable from a quality-assurance perspective. One often wants to see and examine lots of intermediate result-sets to verify data quality and code correctness, and this may or may not be convenient to do from imperative code; it is convenient to do from any modern SQL IDE.
From my experience on internet forums, there are a lot of bad SQL programmers out there; I am not surprised that SQL injection vulnerabilities remain a problem. On the other hand, much of the syntax of SQL is unintuitive and the vendor documentation tends to suck, so it is often more helpful to see how things are done “in the field”. This requires that one can distinguish the good ideas from the bad ones, but is helpful nevertheless.
Common Table Expressions are one of the best features of SQL, and I use them extensively. When I was first learning I would often use temporary tables or table variables to store intermediate result-sets, but have since moved away from them since they both require more maintenance than a simple
;with CTE as (blah) select * from CTE
where the code above the “select” can be copied into another query for testing and one does not have to worry about dropping tables or declaring table variables. I often use cascades of CTEs to build up queries from modest starting result-sets, adding more information with each new query. This approach is effectively “factoring” in SQL, and I have found with experience that modifying existing code became much easier with this approach, as the change usually only had to appear once in a CTE, and that CTE was inevitably a relatively simple expression to understand. I suppose in that sense I take the “Forth” approach to SQL!
One thing that I like about relational databases is that they are a ‘‘universal’’ means of storing data in an application-independent manner, just as XML is a universal syntax for communication of data. SQL attempts to be “the” universal language for querying from and manipulating such data in relational databases; unfortunately it has not been very well standardized.
To a mathematician (and I hope any computer programmer), the “logic of sets” presents no difficulties as soon as one understands the mathematical definition of a “table”. From this perspective, a relational database could be regarded as a category of “relations”. A “type” is a set (in the standard sense), such as the set of integers or the set of finite strings over an alphabet. A “tuple” is an element of a cartesian product (as sets) of types. A “relation” is a set of tuples (this has nothing to do with the notion of a binary or n-ary relation from mathematics). A relation is informally regarded as a “table”, although this is only correct if one regards the rows (i.e. tuples) of the table as being unordered, and if one disregards the column labels. The projections of tuples to their various factors determine “attributes” of the tuples or “fields” of the tables, and one usually regards these factors as labeled with convenient names (“column headers”).
The cartesian product (“cross join”) of tables is the usual cartesian product of the corresponding relations as sets. An “inner join” is a certain subset (diagonal) of a cartesian product of tables: if one has tables S and T and S has attributes i and T has attributes j then the inner join asks for the subset of S x T where s.i = t.j for some i’s and j’s. To explain the “outer” joins, one must introduce NULL tuples compatible with the respective product structures of S and T, so that one is taking an appropriate subset of S x (T u NULL) or (S u NULL) x T respectively. Then the corresponding elements of the S x NULL or NULL x T subsets are used whenever a record does not satisfy the conditions “on” the attributes, i.e. when s.i = t.j fails for some pair (i, j).
I have amused myself by thinking about such details, and in one case it had a practical consequence: I realized that a join could be empty in the case that at least one of the relations/tables in the join was empty, and that this consideration required me to write code that always generated at least one (possibly NULL) tuple in the result-sets that were to be joined. Further, it is useful to know that the cross join of two or more one-element tables is again a one-element table. This in turn is occasionally handy as a very simple pivoting technique for the presentation of aggregates with column labels. And so on… it is fun to think of what various other categorical constructions will give. This is how a mathematician keeps himself mentally occupied with SQL.